Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Taco Bell
As far as I'm concerned, he's replaced Bloom as the house nit.
That is all.
ps-- We are thinking about starting to keep track of "you know how I know you're gay" points.
Dub's winning with the quote, "I think Ryan Seacrest is really cool."
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Lol Turningstoneaments
So, what could there possiby be to do at a casino when you're either drunk (like billy and tirrell) or buzzed (myself, bach, and sam and jason). Play table games! GOGOGOGOGO BLACKJACK.
Now, Billy and Tirrell went busto from poker pretty early in the day. So they were naturally more excited to win their money back. The problem being that they didn't have any money left. So somehow Billy and I got separated from the rest of the pack and decided to sit down and play blackjack. I lent him 10 bucks. (its not real money, its red chips)
10 minutes later, I had turned my $150 that I allotted for table games (of my $465 poker profit) into 60 bucks and Billy had turned my 10 into about 90. We then met up with the rest of the crowd and announced how good Billy was at blackjack.
His trick? We rarely stayed more than 4-5 hands at the same table. We would win a few, then lose one and get up and leave. We went by feel and I was quickly back around even. I can't even really document the rest of the tabling gaming experience because its all a huge blur. I do remember Bach putting $86 on black, hitting, and then being way too much of a pussy to let it ride.
To say that we were a loud, probably obnoxious group is probably an understatement. We especially attracted the attention of one blackjack dealer, Lacy. She said she hated us because we were loud and obnoxious, but we all knew that she really loved us. We kept coming by her tables, but we knew that she was destined to deal for us when we moved to a new table, and she showed up. She cooled our streaks for a while, until she finally met her match.
Teddy Bach.
Bach's little brother knew the right things to say to get under Lacy's skin and make her bust. A highlight:
TBach-- "So, Lacy, do you want to go out to dinner with me?"
Lacy-- "No."
Tbach (looking at his watch, seeing that it's 3:17am)-- "Well, that's convienient, because it's breakfast time. Do you want to go to breakfast?"
So, aided by Lacy's busting, we quickly built a profit on Blackjack. Then we spotted Sam's wild-eyed stare at the craps table.
[ninja-edit] Now, for most of the night, Sam spent the time alone. After he busted at poker, he went off on his own and made around 300 bucks at blackjack, putting him up for the night. After he started drinking, he took a liking to craps.
I'm not really sure what happened but it culminated in Sam losing all his money, except for 60 bucks he had hidden in the room. We'll just say, with Sam's attitude, its a really good thing that he left his ATM card at home, and he came back to the room around 6:30am with six dollars.
Now, if you asked me before I left what time I thought I'd be going to bed, I would have said definitely by 1 or 2. My plan was to lose my money, go buy alcohol, and then drink until I went to bed. Now, winning almost 500 bucks in the first 4 hours kind of took away these plans.
So, there I was at 4am, still near the blackjack tables with $250 in 25's in my hand. I was tired, but not ready to go to bed yet. I look around and theres a $10 min table right there. I sit down. Play one hand at $25 cause that's the smallest chip I have. Win. $275 (up $125 in table games). Play another hand. Win. $300 (up $150). I turn around and see Hanrahan there. "That was an easy 50 bucks." He observes. And I quit right there.
[ninja-edit] We woke up at 10:30 and checked out at 11.
If my calculations were right, we were up as a group, both overall, and against the house (table games).
Bromfield & Friends: 1
Donkingstone: 0
Friday, March 23, 2007
I (Bach) am on my fourth beer, and like Bloom, thi si sgetting me drunk (LOL). We are watching UNC-USC, getting wasted, convincing Tirrella to ask his girlfriend to do anal, and other such things. Im down 100 or so, but money means nothing to me. Literally. It is just the pieces of the game that is poker. Holla. Im going to own roulette later.
Here's (G)arak...
This is the best idea that we've ever had. I'm up $465 from poker. I doubled up in the first 10 hands and then flopped four-of-a-kind for another $150. The day went well from there. Then me and bach drove the 25 (!) minutes to the nearest liquor store to buy beer. That brings us to our current state of drinking in the room before we go to play table games. me and billy are the best blackjack team evar!!!!1!11one!
Heres Hanrahan
yoooo duuuuuuudes
[ninja-edit] sam and billy are arguing which will probably end up with sum type of sexual intercourse in the shower. [ninja-edit] There are many prop bets going on behind me right now, basketball, coin flips, etc yea people are betting on anything. This trip=degeneracy=amazing. So today i played 5 straight hours of poker in the same seat at the same table. yes i know that sounds rediculous and very bromfield like but i did it. and during that time i happened to make 200 bones despite losing over 100 on the last hand. Right now im pretty pumped that we are going to play table games pretty soon. heres a sick play by play of the action in the room right now
(Bach tripes over plastic bag filled with beer and ice on the floor)
Arak:ohhhh we run so bad
(no one else seems to notice wuts going on and instead sam and billy and focusing on betting on the unlv-oregon game)
Sam: I'm up 300 in blackjack
Arak: GIVE ME A COLD BEER!!!!!!!!
Bach: lol (he didnt actually say this but he did it)
Arak: I'm literally down 5 bucks since i walked in the room
(yes unfortunately we are at a a casino but still feel the need to make prop bets in the room of the casino even though there are many degenerate gambling games just an elevator ride away)
ok boys, my time is up, heres the one they call mr william hale
so this night has degenerated into coin flips for 10-20 dollars a pop.... i love how we roll. The fifth of captain was killed instantly, 1/3 tirrell, 1/3 hale, 1/3 randos + tirrell + hale. Hale, Tirrell, and Bach are the only ones down, although Hale is coming back with a solid blackjack run... now the conversation has turned to hookers and hot chicks met in the elevator, how good is this is night? 7 guys (teddy has not returned from the poker tables) were decent friends before this trip... now we have become so much more. What a trip.
"If we close our eyes and then circle jerk would it be gay?" Bach
Interesting question, and one that will be kept for a later time.
the end for now
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Spring Break!
Speaking of drinking heavily, that was a relatively common theme for the weekend. Thursday night I went to the Burren with Cleveland, Maggie and Churry. Of course, I couldn't possibly start drinking at 10:30, but there wasn't much of a drinking presence at the Brom for the first time since its doors opened. So what did I decide to do?
Play one-on-one beirut with Nathan until it was time to go. The rest of the night, BBV-style..
Brag- I beat him in all four games, the first two 10-cup, the second two 6-cup, shutting him out in game 3
Beat- The 7 beers that I drank in those games got me drunk.
Variance- Nathan sucks at Beirut
Brag- Carberry was out at Sligo's and bought us a round of drinks
Beat- Carberrys hot friend totally stopped talking to me after he told her I was 21
Variance- The $2 drafts that he bought us were PBR
Brag- The Band at the Burren played whatever me and Cleveland told it to
Beat- It cost 5 bucks to get in
Variance- We didn't end up getting to the Burren until almost midnight
Brag- I beat Cleveland in drunk RPS so he had to buy me the last beer.
Beat- I was really drunk.
Variance- We went to the Chinese place after.
Brag- I made it home without falling over
Beat- I lost 10 bucks to all-ins when I got home because pokah hates me.
Beat- I felt like shit all day the next day.
So I get a call from Anna at 11am the next day. The news? She's having a party. At the Brom. To quote Cleveland's email "buh, my body hurts. this email made me nauseous."
So, long story short, we ended up having a party for Cat and Anna's 2nd facebook anniversary. Attendees included the immortal Matt Lacey, the immeasurably awesome duo of Cummings and Doran, and the unmistakable presense of Josh Kennedy. And all of them lost at Flipcup.
Brag- I got the drunk people to clean up after themselves at 2am
Beat- I didn't go to bed until like 5am.
Variance- We almost ran out of alcohol.
St Pattys day recap to come later.
Separate Invitation
Hey Neil, Arak started up this blog after I destroyed the old one. You should read it. Awesome, hope things in Minnesota are going well!
There's your separate invite. Happy?
- Alex "Still Angry, Still In Madrid" Bloom
Monday, March 12, 2007
Atlantic City, Baby!
At about
I couldn’t really get too many ZZzz’s on the train because of the constant stop/starts, people coming on and off, and people behind me talking with what my kindergarten teacher would refer to as a “non-indoor voice.” Needless to say, I was pretty fucking tired when I got there.
I arrived in Philly at about 11. Owen and I headed back to his apartment, and I dropped off my bags off and O told me I am going to get a tour of Philly. Boy, did I get a tour! We were out for about four hours, walking around the city. I saw the Rocky steps, a bunch of historical places, and some other sites you wouldn’t expect degenerate gamblers like Owen and I to explore. He is very proud of his
However, when he asked me If I wanted to go to a museum, I declined. It was time to gamble, bayyyyyyyby!! We took the train over to
We decide to go to the Tropicana casino. Owen is only 20, so he feels it necessary to dress up “like a balla” in order to not get carded. He is sporting a Bob Kraft-esque blue shirt with white collar and cuffs. He also tries to act extra casual and cool by referring to the employees of the casino by the names on their shirts. An example would be at the board in the poker room, where a young gentleman’s nametag read Kenny. Owen said something to the effect of, “Good evening, Kenny. I would like to get on the board for 2-5 No limit, please.”
I’ll spare you the poker details of the night with the exception of the following hand:
I get pocket aces and raise to 15 dollars. A guy behind me makes it 50. I raise to 150, and he then goes all in for 500 dollars. I call, and he shows his pocket Kings.
However, the flop had a jack also. The turn brought a queen. They were teasing me. However, the tease came through in the form of a ten on the river.
I tipped the dealer 15 bucks, and that was possibly my most exciting hand I’ve ever played. It took me so long to stack the seemingly abundant red (5 dollar chips) that I had just receieved. I just did the math. It was 200 of them.
I finished up about 450 that night, and Owen won about 600. We went back to Philly at 430 AM, and slept from around
We got up, and went back over to
When we arrived in AC, we parted ways with Lisa, and as I was leaving the train, I saw a guy wearing the greatest t-shirt ever. It read, “I’m not angry, I’m just from Philly,” I think I know just the person to get one for.
Upon arriving, we went to the Atlantic Ten basketball championships. Although UMass didn’t make it, I already had the tickets so we decided to go to the final game anyway. It was a really entertaining and close game, but George Washington pulled away at the end over URI. Congratulations and good luck to them in the NCAA tournament. (UMass would have destroyed them had they been healthy, but that’s another rant.)
After the game, we hit up the casinos again. I made another 3 hundred, leaving me up around 750 for the trip. I am now walking around with 16 100 dollar bills. I feel like Dub. People play really, really bad in AC, and it’s as if they are just trying to give their money away.
You do meet some interesting people at the tables. The guy at my table next to me this night was awesome for two reasons:
- I made a huge bluff for $150, and this lady was thinking for a while about calling me. The guy blurts out: “I can tell he has pocket kings you should fold.” She folded her winning hand, saving me a lot of money.
- He drank five red bulls while I was at the table. FIVE. I had three once this summer, and I was shaking. He owns me in the caffeine department.
We headed back to Philly in the morning (Owen again beat me by winning 500 that night) and now I am writing this on the train at
PS…I noticed I changed tense a lot in this. I’m too lazy to change it, and cut me some slack because I’m Nathan-level tired right now. SFT.
PPS…Does anyone want to go to Foxwoods next weekend?
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Crashing the party
1. "a Bloom-like 95 pounds"
I don't take cheap shots in my blog at you guys. We all know I'm a portly fat ass who doesn't even run anymore, much less lift. And maybe I do clap my hands in order to lose weight (the perpetual motion gets my blood pressure circulating and my adrenaline going....what a rush), can we just drop the issue that I'm a poor athlete and worse runner?
Also: I went for a run today. I'm shooting to do one tomorrow too. We'll see how it goes.
2. "I've realized I don't know how to make friends"
I think it's kind of ironic that Bach also included information that he was in a class called "Social Problems" in that same post. What are you learning in that class if they're not teaching you how to make friends?
Know how I know you're gay? You want to ask a guy to hang out.
4. "I'm already a better journalist than Bloom"
Honestly, do you really think it's hard to be a journalist? You guys don't understand. It's actually the easiest damn profession EVAR.
5. "I posted these pictures ... to piss off Bloom"
I've mentioned this to a few people -- the excuse "Bloom will clean it up when he gets back" is just not reasonable. I won't be back living at The Brom until September. The excuse is just pathetic.
And Nathan you said you guys cleaned The Brom. Post pictures and prove it.
A question:
Most of you who read my blog know that the bathroom in my host family's apartment is ridiculously tiny. So when they aren't here, I've started to use the toilet with the door open. Do you guys do that when you know the house is empty at home? Why would you need to shut the door if nobody is there? Also, how do you guys feel about using the toilet in front of a pet? Changing clothes in front of a pet? I've always debated this and was looking to get more feedback. Do you really want your dog watching you change?
DBach, nice style of posting.
I'll leave you with this: Wicker Man
- Bloom
Friday, March 9, 2007
Current State of the Brom
So after Bach's post about Karma, I should make it very clear that I've just gotten Karma'ed to all hell. Someone clearly didn't like my lack of practicing or doing any academic work. After drinking in Ginn Library Wednesday night with Cleveland, Sorensen and Anna, I was all excited for the drinking part of drinking season and the return of midweek drinking to the Brom.
Of course, this was only until I woke up on Thursday morning and wanted to die. Nathan thinks I have the flu. Basically, I didn't stop shivering the entire day, even in the shower or underneath every blanket I own in bed, and my throat is unbelievable sore. Being the overachiever that I am, I go to two out of my three classes (I'm pretty sure that yesterday was the first time that I've ever skipped class due to actually being sick at Tufts), stopping to sleep from 12-2 and like 6-8:30. Thats after sleeping til 10am.
So, unfortunately, I was unable to drink and uphold the Brom's repuation. But I did hang out with everyone and play poker until about midnight when I went to bed. Luckily for me, my bedroom was far enough away from Alander and Tirrells screaming that I actually fell asleep rather quickly.
So I wake up around 11:30 (thats 16 hours of sleep in the previous 24, if anyones counting) to lend out my car keys and survey the damage. This is what happens when we leave Nathan, Dub, and Skye in charge.
Okay well I guess I can't blame them for this one. My room is a pit.
Thats the upstairs hallway.
The bathroom and the stairwell. In decent shape except for Skyes dirty clothes in the bottom right-hand corner and the
The living room. Actually moderately clean.
And if you guys think that I posted these pictures for any reason other than to piss off Bloom, you clearly don't know me well enough.
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Karma (Obv)
This has started a multitude of problems in two of my classes:
1. Philosophy of Religion. This meets Monday Wednesday and Friday. I literally have done 0 work for this class, and I missed Monday and Wednesday. I am missing Friday's class to go to Atlantic City, and we have our mid-term on Monday. (Worth 40 percent of the grade). This does not bode well for me.
2. Social Problems. This class meets Tuesday night for 3 hours. I missed Tuesday night's class. The professor told me I could pick up the assignment outside his office today. It wasn't outside his office today, and I'm not going back to UMass until Monday. This will give me one day to do a one week assignment, which happens to be a 5 page paper.
However, I do like two of my other classes.
1. Creative Writing. We are doing poetry now. Mine obviously sucks because I haven't tried to kill myself (yet). When I write a short story I might post it, although it will probably be tl;dr.
2. Journalism 310- Press and the Third World.
This class deserves it's own part of the entry.
1. It's a pretty interesting class. We talk about how and why the US Media represents different things from the third world. I had already read one of the books, "Mountains Beyond Mountains" that is required for the class, which was reccomended by Mcneish also (even though he said he didn't actually read it).
2. We got our first assignments back today. I got an A+. Not an A. An A+. It's like elementary school all over again, where I was Michael Johnson, and my classmates were the other competitors in the 1996 Olympic 200m final.
3. I'm already a better journalist than Bloom.
I've realized I don't know how to make friends. In high school all of my friends were the kids who:
a. played basketball after school freshman, sophomore, and junior year.
b. gambled all senior year.
In college, all my friends came from TUXC (plus Dub).
It just kind of happened. Now, I have no idea WTF I am supposed to do about "making friends." I feel like asking a guy to hang out would be like asking him on a date (OMG THATS SO GHEY!!11!), and asking a girl to hang out would be like asking her on a date (Am I allowed to do this??)
Any ideas on the topic would be appreciated.
Back to the karma thing.....
I bought tickets to the Atlantic 10 semifinals and finals for basketball, assuming UMass would be making it. The only had to win one game (that took place today), and they were decent favorites. This is where the karma comes in.
I skipped classes this week, and I get punished for not going. Umass blew a 9 point lead in the second half and proceeded to lose in overtime. I will still go to Atlantic City, and this bad luck will continue there, where I estimate I will lose about two thousand dollars.
Trip Report of Atlantic City will come on Sunday night while I procrastinate studying for my Philosophy of religion exam.
I love Skye Isard
1. Al Jefferson was recently named Eastern Conference player of the week. I cannot tell you how ridiculous that would have sounded even four months ago. This makes me happy.
2. I go to Umass now. I have come to the realization Tufts didn't suck. College sucks. I just cannot stand sitting in a classroom. The plus side is that Umass has division 1 basketball games that are wicked fun to go to.
3. I worked out yesterday for the first time in 2007. My back felt okay. However, I was repping a Bloom-like 95 pounds on bench. Again, this made me sore, which is very pathetic.
4. I am no closer to running than I was the last time I talked to any of you.
5. I am most likely living in Las Vegas this summer, and will play at least one event at the World Series of Poker (No Limit Texas Hold'em). If I final table, I will pay for the Brom to fly out on the condition that everyone GO MONEY'd me on every big pot I won.
6. I turned 21 a couple weeks ago. Speaking of being 21, here's a funny story about that age:
In September of freshman year, I was talking to Mac about the alcohol situation for an upcoming party. My experience with drinking was very limited at the time, and having come from high school, it was a big deal for someone to
1. have an ID
2. be able to steal beer from their dad
3. have an older sibling get it for them.
Even though I knew Mac was a senior, I still felt him to be my peer because he was my teammate, so it never really crossed my mind that seniors were of legal age. I asked him how he would get alcohol. His response: "Uhhh I'll go to the liquor store and get a keg."
OHHHHHH you are 21!!! Damn!!!
I can do that now. How time flies.
7. When is Tufts graduation?
8. My hangover is gone.
9. Where is Neil Orfield and what is he doing?
10. Oden >>>> Durant.
11. They aren't airing new episodes of "The Office" for a while. This makes me very angry, especially considering I stopped watching 24 and Lost because they suck now.
12. I am going to Atlantic City this weekend for the Atlantic-10 conference championship. UMass needs to win to get into the NCAA tournament, so it should be exciting. I will also be gambling.
13. Bloom should post his short story that he sent me a while ago on the new blog. It's awesome.
14. Why did Bloom delete the old blog?
15. Is it okay for me to still post on this?
16. Thoughts on my new style of blogging?
17. How good does Dub run??
18. I need to write an essay to officially get enrolled at UMass full-time for the fall. Ideas for a topic??