Since then, I have had knee surgery, moved home, come back to the Brom, and moved home again. In January, I was informed I was going to need health insurance, and there were two ways to do that.
1. Get it free by going to college.
2. Pay for it myself.
LOL @ option 2.
So I took Microeconomics over "Winter Session," and obv shipped the A. Now, here is my grade report for the spring. (You have to click the link to make it bigger I think.) Also...the W in the Philosophy class is just variance.
I also applied to be a matriculated student for the Fall, and they let me in, which is cool. Minutemen '09!!!!!!
Some NBA news...
-May 22, 2007, is thus far the worst day of my life. The Celtics had a 39 percent chance at a top 2 pick, and lost out. Sometimes I will be doing something like pouring a bowl of cereal, or in the middle of a rep of benching at the Y, and the image of the Celtics being presented the fifth pick will snap back into my head. This causes me to pour milk all over the counter, or drop the barbell onto my chest. I need to get psychiatric help for this.
-Current UMass student Stephane Lasme looks to be the first UMass player drafted since Marcus Camby. He's worse than Ben Wallace, but better than Stephen Hunter. I'm hoping the Celtics grab him in the second round.
-How much is Nike praying that the Cavs can squeak by the Pistons to play the Spurs in the finals. The Spurs are the most hated team in the league, and LeBron is the new posterboy of the league, referred to by many as the second coming (of MJ). It's very unlikely, but if the Cavs win it all, talk will already begin about LeBron possibly overtaking MJ as best ever. Just saying.
More life news...
-I'm moving into my apartment tomorrow. This means I can GTFO of my parents' house.
-I got a road bike and have been cruising around the Northampton/Florence area. It's insane doing some of the "long" 12 mile routes I used to do running, that feel so short on the bike. I will add mileage soon.
-I'm reading Catch-22 right now. It's very funny/good so far. I'm like a third of the way through, but there's a decent chance it could end up in my top five books evar.
-This weekend is Teddy's high school graduation. None of you really knew him in his early teenage years, but this is a wicked fuckin' huge accomplishment, as he is on his fourth high school. Coincedentally, he is graduating from THE Williston Northampton School, which is my alma mater.
-The weekend after that, I am heading down to Florida for my grandfather's 90th birfday party. I hate Florida, and I hate my grandfather, so that should suck. The only redeeming thing that could possibly come from this trip would be running into either Shaq, D-Wade, or Miguel Cabrera in da clubs. Smoking a joint with Ricky Williams would suffice, if he somehow were to find himself in the Miami area.
-The weekend after that, I have no plans, and will be coming to teh Brom. I will try not to come incredibly hungover + sleep deprived this time, so it will be a fun time. Skye, please try to get your hands on an any-key if you can so we can engage on activities off the Lewis roof. Holla.
-The season finale of the Office was kinda surreal. A significant basis of the show was Jim and Pam's chemistry that was never acted upon. Now that it has materialized, I'm not sure what's gonna happen. I've heard rumors of one hour episodes for next season, which would be hot.
I just wanted to reflect on last summer again for a moment. On the old blog, I made a sentimental post last September about the happenings of summer, and it was awesome. Because Bloom is a nit, that is gone forever.
My main memories are lots of consumption of light beer, and me running worse than anyone has ever rune before. FUCK JESUS CHRISTDJLKF:S FDSKLDS (etc. etc. etc.)
That's all for now.