For those of you who were at camp last year, you might remember the success of Team Oceola. After running 22 miles in 2 days, we hiked up Mt. Oceola (an event that directly led to the breaking of Marcelo.)
This weekend we decided to have a reunion trip. The proposed target was Mt. Hancock and South Hancock, which provided great views of Mt. Oceola (but which we soon realized was a much harder climb for a less impressive summit.)
The crew included: PG, me, Chad, Tilton, Sorensen, Churry, and Rony.
We left Teele at 9:30, to drive up to the Mt. Hancock trailhead. After a lot of stream crossings we started to climb. For some reason (maybe because we’re all runners) we started to pick up the pace as we climbed, and when we finally reached the summit we were all dead. The summit was a little disappointing because it was wooded so there was only a small cleared area. But the cleared area provided views far into the White Mountains, and because there were no roads or cars or other people visible, you really got the feeling that you were in the middle of a wilderness. There were also birds at the top which would eat food right of your hand. Of course, this terrified me, since most birds sort of creep me out, (my whole family is like this, I don’t know why, maybe something happened to us when we were little that we don’t remember) but it was a lot of fun for people who don’t have ornithophobia (yes I just wikipediaed that.) The hike down was uneventful except we all reached the bottom famished and exhausted.
After finishing the hike, we went back to Peter’s house and discovered that his parent’s had left behind a large quantity of high-class alcohol. This was tempting. We also went to the club by his house to use the hot tub. Evidently Loon Mountain does not attract a lot of college-age girls in the summertime. However, it does have a plethora of middle-aged women. And as I quickly found out, the best possible conversation starter with middle-aged women is having a Harry Potter book by your side. No less than 3 separate women started conversations with me about the book, and I think I was getting somewhere with 2 women sitting in the pool (who could best be described as elderly) before everyone else decided that they were ready to leave.
After the hot tub we went to the Woodstock Inn for dinner. This (judging from the 45 minute wait) seemed to be the center of nightlife of Lincoln, New Hampshire. During the wait I ordered a beer, and I started to feel drunk. Then I started embarrassing myself. This began with me changing my side order three times in the 2 minutes the waitress was at the table. I then just started scarfing down any food that came to the table, until I finally hit my massive steak sandwich which I couldn’t finish.
After dinner we went mini golfing at Hobo Village. This is by far the nicest mini-golf I’ve ever played on, and one of my favorite places ever. Tilton won overall, and Phase 1 (people still in College) defeated Phase 2 (people out of college) pretty handily. The highlight of the game were drunk people in front of us and behind us. From the people behind us, speaking about Gorranson:
Drunk Girl: Look it, there’s the kid that sucks!
Drunk Boyfriend: Hysterical laughter
The people in front of us was a family. But the mother was drinking a pink liquid (which we assumed to be alcohol) out of a thermos, while mumbling nonsense to her two daughters. Her father (I think) was probably the worst mini-golf player I’ve ever seen, and I have to assume he was drunk. Overall the mini golf trip was a success and Chad even won a free (though probably never to be used) game.
Following golf we headed back to Gorranson’s house. Someone had the idea to make Strawberry Daquiri’s, partially because there was mix and rum, and partially because that’s the natural choice to make when 7 guys are hanging out and drinking. I passed out shortly after this, partially because I’m kind of lame, and partially because I was exhausted from the hike. I think a lot of Taboo went on upstairs, along with other funny stuff, but someone who was awake should probably write about this, since it probably warrants a blog post on its own. Tilton?
The next morning we got up and went for our long run. We did the same 12 mile loop we did at camp last year, except this time we added on by going to Franconia Falls. Franconia Falls is a natural waterslide, which ends with a 6 or 7 foot drop. While this was a lot of fun, the less strong swimmers of the group (me, churry) were pulled by the current back towards the waterfall, which was a little scary. There were also two girls there, sunning themselves. They kept looking at us, we (I) thought.
For lunch we grilled up Cow #23 from the Gorranson family farm, along with some other bbq stuff. It was delicious. Then everyone watched the end of Homeward Bound (except for me-I was reading Harry Potter).
Finally, before heading home we tried to go to Echo Lake. The highway to Echo Lake was one of the best drives I’ve been on because you’re in a valley, surrounded by mountains on all sides. Upon finding that it cost 3 dollars a person to enter, we tried to drive around to the other side, which was technically a boat launch. However, there we were accosted by a Franconia police, who casually informed us that this was a boat launch , not a public beach. When asked why a handful of other people could sit on the beach, he mumbled something about fishing licenses and people waiting for boats. Since we didn’t really feel like arguing, we left and visited the Basin instead. The Basin was essentially Franconia Falls, except with a lot more fat people (because it was road accessible) and no waterslide. On the plus side it did have a pretty cool sounding name.
We returned back to the Condo, cleaned up, and left for Boston. Since I lost my contacts, Tilton drove my car back (probably better than I would’ve) and at one point we nearly ran out of gas, but eventually we got back safely. Overall I would say it was a very fun trip, and I’m sure we will have a reunion of the reunion of team Oceola at some point in the near future.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Monday, July 9, 2007
As if we needed more proof that Dub is a huge luckbox...
Taken from his 2p2 post:
playing 10-20nl at the wynn, i just moved into the main game recently and it's sick soft. lamont jordan (oakland raiders RB) is in the game with a [censored] of cash and he's pretty bad overall, loves to make ridiculous moves and pretty much never folds pf. anway
i have about 12.5k, donk has about 3.5 and lamont has us covered
2 limps including lamont, another donk makes it $100, i make it $400 with K
on the button. lamont cold calls (very standard), and other guy calls
flop ($1250) K
lamont checks (as he is immersed in his dvd player watching 24, lol), donk leads out $800, i make it $2.2k, lamont asks if i have any "flags" (5k chips), i tell him i dont, he looks at my stack and cash and shoves (yahtzee!). other guy folds i call all in for $12k.
turn (~$27k) A
...omg, plz no god, not another suckout for my new biggest pot...
river 7
i had flipped my kings up, lamont flashes his set of 4s and starts counting the $12k

fwiw, lamont is a really good guy and isn't phased at all when he loses a pot to a suckout or cooler...or in most cases just bad play. it's was pretty funny that immediately after he had counted out the $, he had his headphones back on and was watching 24 again on his dvd player.
playing 10-20nl at the wynn, i just moved into the main game recently and it's sick soft. lamont jordan (oakland raiders RB) is in the game with a [censored] of cash and he's pretty bad overall, loves to make ridiculous moves and pretty much never folds pf. anway
i have about 12.5k, donk has about 3.5 and lamont has us covered
2 limps including lamont, another donk makes it $100, i make it $400 with K
flop ($1250) K
lamont checks (as he is immersed in his dvd player watching 24, lol), donk leads out $800, i make it $2.2k, lamont asks if i have any "flags" (5k chips), i tell him i dont, he looks at my stack and cash and shoves (yahtzee!). other guy folds i call all in for $12k.
turn (~$27k) A
river 7
i had flipped my kings up, lamont flashes his set of 4s and starts counting the $12k
fwiw, lamont is a really good guy and isn't phased at all when he loses a pot to a suckout or cooler...or in most cases just bad play. it's was pretty funny that immediately after he had counted out the $, he had his headphones back on and was watching 24 again on his dvd player.
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