Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Biggest Surprise of My Life

And so castlest made of sand
Slip into the sea

So guys, Courtney decided to surprise me by just showing up at our door this morning. I really had no idea she was coming. In fact, her presence here hasn't registered psychologically yet, nor has the fact that she kept this trip completely secret from me.

Being stuck at work in Eaton is a horrible beat right now. Unfortunately for Courtney, my room is currently so vile that I (of all people) detest being in there (I have trouble breathing). So after catching a red-eye and getting three hours of sleep, she has to wait 5 hours for me to get home from work so that I can spend the next two hours cleaning. So she isn't going to get solid rest for another 7 hours, which really sucks.

I, on the other hand, really do run good.


Nate said...

aw, that's so sweet. this may be the day that you finally realize all the drivel bloom spewed forth at you about "keeping things remotely clean" may not have been the worst advice ever.

then again....maybe not.

Sam said...

I really don't think this trumps seeing Fortin at NESCACs

Anonymous said...

Something about that math isn't right. She waits 5 hours while you're at work, then 2 hours while you clean. You say it will be 7 hours before she gets some solid rest. I would think that after surprising you from CA and waiting all that time, when the room finally is habitable, she won't be getting solid rest...