So my parents got a puppy a couple weeks ago. It's a Shihzu/Poodle mix named Bruno. No Bloom, unfortunately for you, he's not gay. So my mom is away visiting her mom in Montana, and my Dad had to go away on business for 3 days this week. No problem, my parents thought, my degenerate brother who got kicked out of college will be home to take care of it. Not that we want him taking care of the an 11-week-old puppy, but hopefully it'll live. Then he got a job. As anyone who has met my brother can attest, there was no way to see this coming. But, you can't leave a puppy alone at home all day, so I volunteered to take care of it. Now, there were two things that I didn't know, not living a home and having only met the dog 3 times.
A) It's not housebroken. I guess this isn't unusual for a dog this young.
B) It screams when you leave the room. Especially when it's locked in its little kennel/cage/home.
So my Dad drops it off at 7am on the way to the airport. I figured I'd get up, let it in, and go back to bed. Dogs don't let you do that. Especially not puppies.
On the flip side, even though it's not housebroken, it's really smart. Last night while I was at dinner it had to take a shit. Where did it go?
That's right, Skye's room. Is anyone remotely surprised?
Okay, on with the pics.

ya rly plz guyz
no new posts oh noes!!111!
Arak and/or Skye. 3EB and NESTRACK updtes once you regain consciousness. Also, skye, date update. ready, go.
"Arak and/or Skye. 3EB and NESTRACK updtes once you regain consciousness. Also, skye, date update. ready, gogogogogogogogogo.
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