yea so i just finished playing 7hrs in a $650 satellite to the world series main event and i "finally" (after playing in like 3 or 4 satellites over the last couple weeks) won my seat!!! i'm pretty psyched and i doubt i'll be able to get to sleep tonight and this might be cause for celebration where i need to take a... "rain day" (like a snow day from high school, duh) and skip class tomorrow. anyway, when this eventually takes place in early july this summer and i luckbox my way to the final table, i'll be sure to fly all you guys out to vegas to cheer me on and enjoy all the "perks" that come along with making the WSOP final table. that's all for now
gg nh(s)
So fucking lucky
Is it nice?
Honestly....you run so fucking good it sickens me.
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